IIOJK in focus

JKPL honors Shaheed-e-Azeemat Sheikh Abdul Aziz on 16th martyrdom anniversary

Srinagar: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League (JKPL) has paid glowing tributes to Shaheed-e-Azeemat Sheikh Abdul Aziz on the occasion of his 16th martyrdom anniversary, commemorated on August 11, celebrating his legacy as a devoted and principled leader who steadfastly championed the cause of Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Shaikh Abdul Aziz was martyred by Indian troops on August 11, 2008, while he was leading a mammoth march to Azad Kashmir in protest against the economic blockade imposed on the Kashmir valley by Hindu extremists from Jammu.

In a statement issued in Srinagar, Dr. Musaib Ahmed, Chairman of JKPL, emphasized that the supreme sacrifices made by Sheikh Abdul Aziz will be remembered and honored as a significant chapter in the history of Kashmir. He highlighted Sheikh Aziz’s unwavering commitment to the Kashmiri resistance and his multifaceted efforts to advance the cause of freedom and justice.

Dr. Ahmed reaffirmed the party’s dedication to the Kashmir cause, stating, “Every drop of blood shed on the streets of Kashmir strengthens our resolve. We will not tolerate any betrayal of the Kashmir cause or deviation from our party’s policies regarding the resolution of the Kashmir issue.” He asserted that the JKPL’s executive body had taken decisive action against Mukhtar Ahmed Waza for indiscipline and anti-party activities, expelling him from party membership until a public apology is made.

He also firmly ruled out participation in farcical elections in occupied Kashmir. He stressed, “We will not participate in elections focused on governance, as governance does not align with our agenda.”

JKPL Vice Chairman and APHC AJK leader Syed Aijaz Rehmani issued a stern warning against any anti-party activities. He declared that involvement in such activities or participation in sham elections would be regarded as treasonous.

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