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Indian authorities declare mosque as enemy property in Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow: A mosque located near the railway station in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh state of India has been declared as enemy property by the Indian authorities.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Sanjay Arora, convenor of the Hindu extremist organization Rashtriya Hindu Shakti Sangathan, filed a complaint stating that the mosque was built on land that originally belonged to the family of Pakistan’s first Prime Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan.

The mosque committee said that the property is a waqf (endowment) property, and the rent from the shops is being deposited with the waqf board’s trustee. The investigative team was also provided with a letter dated November 10, 1937, which states that the property was registered with the waqf board.

Indian authorities have stated that notices will be issued to all parties involved in the case, and if the property is not vacated after the notice, it will be cleared in accordance with legal procedures

The mosque committee and local Muslims asserted that the property is indeed a waqf property and their legal claim is legitimate. The move by government authorities has raised questions about the actions of the Indian government and the rights of the Muslim community in the country.

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