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Two women killed in Chhattisgarh

Raipur: Two women were killed in separate incidents of violence in the Indian disturbed state of Chhattisgarh.

According to Kashmir Media Service, a woman identified as Yalam Sukra, 40, from Lodedh village in Bijapur district, was abducted by a group and and was killed by slitting her throat three kilometres away in a jungle hilltop.

In another incident a 45-year-old Laxmi Padam, an anganwadi worker from Timapur village, in Bijapur district was dragged out of her home in front of her family and strangled to death. The Maoists, who reportedly belonged to the same area committee accused her of being a police informer.

These killings bring the total number of Maoist-related deaths in Bijapur to five in just one week.

Meanwhile, a head constable of district reserve guard (DRG), an exclusive tribal counterinsurgency wing of Chhattisgarh police, was killed in an attack of Maoists in Abujhmad area under Narayanpur district in south Bastar in the state.

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