IIOJK in focus

Rehmani urges HR groups to address plight of IIOJK political detainees

Islamabad: Senior APHC-AJK leader Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has expressed concern over the dire conditions faced by Kashmiri political prisoners and under-trial inmates in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in a letter addressed to various human rights organizations and international jurists, Rehmani highlighted the severe mental and physical trauma endured by these detainees due to the punitive measures of the Indian government.

Under the Modi regime, the burden of prison expenses has been shifted onto the detainees and their families, exacerbating their financial strain. Moreover, the prisoners are subjected to unhygienic and oppressive conditions in Indian and J&K prisons, further deteriorating their health and well-being.

Rehmani expressed grave concern over India’s restrictive policies, which have isolated IIOJK and prevented independent fact-finding missions from assessing the situation in the territory and its prisons. He called upon UN authorities to intervene and pressure India for the release of political prisoners and the withdrawal of fabricated charges against them.

The Hurriyat leader warned of dire consequences if the Modi regime continues to ignore the just demands of the detainees’ relatives, emphasizing that some may not survive their ordeal. He lamented the loss of parents or guardians who passed away without being reunited with their incarcerated loved ones.

Rehmani urged the UN to break its silence and assess whether India’s actions align with international norms and resolutions. He questioned India’s role in the loss of countless lives and the confiscation of ancestral properties in Kashmir.

In conclusion, Rehmani paid tribute to the resilience and commitment of Kashmiri political detainees and their families, who endure continued targeting and victimization in their pursuit of freedom and self-determination for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He affirmed that their sacrifices will not be forgotten in the quest for justice.

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