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Kashmiri diaspora

Indian Sham-polls in IIOJK No substitute to Right to Self-Determination: Ali Raza Syed

Brussels: Chairman of Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU), Ali Raza Syed, has stated that parliamentary elections under Indian rule in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are not a solution to the Kashmir problem and do not substitute the right to self-determination for the Kashmiri nation.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Chairman KC-EU in a statement issued here on Wednesday, emphasized that a plebiscite should be held across the entire Jammu and Kashmir state under the auspices of the United Nations, allowing the Kashmiri people to decide their own future. He added that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are striving for their internationally recognized right to self-determination, and any form of voting or parliamentary elections under the Indian Constitution does not equate to freedom for Kashmir.

Reacting to the recent elections for the seats of the Lower House of the Indian Parliament, “Lok Sabha,” in Occupied Kashmir, he asserted that India maintains an illegal occupation of a significant part of Jammu and Kashmir, which is wholly rejected by the Kashmiri people.

Ali Raza Syed further accused India of attempting to mask its atrocities and brutal killings of Kashmiri people by holding so-called elections in IIOJK, thereby creating a false impression of peace and democratic process in the region. He highlighted that India has enforced draconian laws in IIOJK, allowing Indian forces to imprison and torture individuals without cause.

He stated that eight lakh Indian forces are imposed on IIOJK, holding people hostage through these black laws. Many Kashmiri youths have been subjected to extrajudicial killings, and numerous Kashmiris are imprisoned for their involvement in the freedom movement.

Ali Raza Syed condemned the sham elections conducted in IIOJK through intimidation and rigging, noting that the media is complicit in this charade. He also pointed out that international human rights organizations and observers are not permitted to visit IIOJK.

He asserted that the freedom movement of the Kashmiris cannot be suppressed through India’s election farce, black laws, and delay tactics, emphasizing that the struggle for the freedom of Jammu and Kashmir will persist. He declared that those elected in the Indian administration can never truly represent the Kashmiri people nor advocate for their rights.

In conclusion, he stated that although India has forcibly occupied Kashmir, a day will come when India will grant freedom to the Kashmiris, as they cannot be subdued indefinitely. He urged international human rights organizations to take notice of Indian atrocities and called for a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir under UN resolutions for a final resolution of the Kashmir issue.

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