
Ayaz Sadiq pays tribute to Syed Ali Giani

Islamabad: Speaker of the National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq Sunday paid tribute to the heroic struggle of iconic Kashmiri leader, Syed Ali Gilani, acknowledging his relentless and courageous struggle that gave new momentum to the Kashmir freedom movement.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in his statement, on his third death anniversary, the Speaker highlighted Geelanis enduring spirit, noting that despite enduring long and harsh imprisonments under Indian custody, his commitment to the cause of Kashmirs freedom never wavered. He said that the sacrifices made by Syed Ali Gilani would be remembered in history with golden words, praising his powerful voice that breathed new life into the Kashmir freedom struggle.

“Syed Ali Gilani stood firm against Indian oppression and brutality, becoming an unyielding wall against state tyranny,” the Speaker said. Recalling Gilani’s famous slogan, “We are Pakistanis, and Pakistan is ours,” He noted that it continues to resonate deeply in the hearts of Kashmiris.

He expressed confidence that the sacrifices of the martyrs, including Syed Ali Gilani, would not go in vain, and that the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) would one day achieve the great blessing of freedom. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s unwavering support for the Kashmiri peoples right to self-determination, promising continued political, moral, and diplomatic backing for their cause. He concluded by praying for the elevation of the ranks of Syed Ali Gilani and other martyrs of Kashmir.

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