Voices from IIOJK

PhD scholar turns fruit seller exposing Modi regime’s hollow claims IIOJK

Srinagar: In a stark contradiction to the Modi-led Indian government’s claims of development and employment in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, a PhD scholar has been forced to sell fruit on the streets to make ends meet.

According to Kashmir Media Service, this heart-wrenching reality check exposes the grim job distress in the occupied territory, where educated youth are struggling to find decent employment .

The Modi government’s decision to revoke Article 370 was touted as a move to bring development and peace to Kashmir, but five years on, the promise remains unfulfilled. Instead, the occupation has led to widespread human rights violations, economic stagnation, and a crippling job market.

Experts argue that the Modi government’s policies have exacerbated the economic woes of occupied Kashmir, with the territory’s potential remaining untapped. The international community has also raised concerns about human rights violations and the need for a peaceful resolution.

As the PhD scholar’s plight highlights, the Modi government’s claims of development and employment in occupied Kashmir ring hollow. It’s time for the Indian government to reassess its policies and prioritize the well-being of Kashmir’s people.

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