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5th Jan Self-Determination DayPakistan

Mushaal urges global powers to settle Kashmir dispute according to UN resolutions

Islamabad: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik, has urged global powers to honour their commitments to the Kashmiri people and resolve the lingering Kashmir dispute according to the United Nations resolutions

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mushaal Hussein Mullick in her message on Right to Self-Determination Day lambasted the UN for dragging its feet on holding a free and fair plebiscite in Kashmir over the past 77 years, leaving the Kashmiris at the mercy of Indian forces, who unleashed a reign of terror to stifle the dissenting voices in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

She stated that today, Kashmir was at the brink of genocide and Kashmir had become the hell for the people of Kashmir.
She vowed that a UN-supervised plebiscite remained the only just solution and sole panacea to the Kashmir dispute, as anything short of that would be injustice to people of Kashmir and peace in entire South Asia would remain elusive and distant.

The chairperson urged that it was high time, the UN should step up and facilitate the promised plebiscite sans any further delay to prevent further suffering of Kashmiri people and avoid possible Pak-India war.

Mushaal emphasized that despite the occupation troops’ relentless efforts to alter the demographic landscape of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing, the brave Kashmiris have kept the flame of resistance burning bright.

She reminded the UN of dozens of promises and resolutions passed regarding resolution of Kashmir dispute over the past over seven decades and questioned the world powers’ deaf and dumb approach to honour their own commitment to ensure resolution of Kashmir conflict.

Mushaal appealed to the international community to halt the ongoing genocide of Kashmiris and press India to settle the dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions.

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