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IIOJK in focus

India propagating against freedom-loving Kashmiris, Pakistani forces

Islamabad: After failing to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement in occupied Jammu and Kashmir despite all the oppression and brutality, India has now started a large-scale propaganda against the freedom-loving Kashmiris and the Pakistani forces.

According to Kashmir Media Service, a report has been published in the Indian English daily “Business Today” regarding Indian military sources, which said that in occupied Jammu and Kashmir the freedom fighters are using mobile handsets, which are mainly manufactured by the Chinese telecom company for the Pakistani forces.

The newspaper report also said that China-made handsets also found in the southern region of Pir Panjal, combine cell phone capabilities with specialized radio equipment that does not rely on traditional mobile technologies such as Global System for Mobile (GSM) or code division.

The report also claimed that the device uses radio waves to transmit messages, each connected to a central station with an “ultrasat”, Indian military officials said.

They further claimed that the two “ultra-sets” are not even connected to each other. While Chinese satellites are used to carry the messages which are compressed from the handset to the bytes of the master server for onward transmission.

In the Business Today newspaper, Indian military officials also say that Beijing has been increasing the defence capabilities of Pakistani forces along the Line of Control for a long time. This support includes the construction of steelhead bunkers, the provision of unmanned aerial vehicles and combat aerial vehicles, the installation of secret communication towers and the laying of underground fiber cables.

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