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‘Kashmiris want plebiscite according to UN resolutions’

Muzaffarabad: The Chairman of Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir Uzair Ahmed Ghazali has said that people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir have rejected the Indian military occupation and want plebiscite according to the resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Uzair Ahmed Ghazali in a statement in Muzaffarabad said that the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir were forced to remain silent by military force, black laws and killing of youth in fake encounters.

He said all such tactics of the Indian government are failing as the people of Kashmir are determined for the implementation of UNSC resolutions. He said the Kashmiri people want freedom from the military occupation of India, for which they have been resisting endlessly for the past 76 years.

Ghazali stressed the need to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to people’s wishes and aspirations for the establishment of sustainable peace in South Asia.

He appealed to the international human rights organizations for immediate release of All Parties Hurriyat Conference leaders languishing in different jails of India and the territory.

He also demanded the Amnesty International and Asia Watch international to raise their voice for the abolition of the worst black laws imposed in occupied Kashmir.

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