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‘Economic development impossible without Kashmir settlement’

Lahore: A seminar on United Nations resolutions on Kashmir was organized at Oriental College, Old Campus, Lahore, in collaboration with Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Cell.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the chief guest of the seminar “UN resolutions on Kashmir, obstacles and future course of action” was Azad Kashmir Minister Ms Imtiaz Naseem.

Representatives of various political, social and religious parties, the Kashmiri community living in Lahore and a large number of students attended the seminar.

The seminar was addressed by Dean Faculty of Oriental College Dr Muhammad Kamran, Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Cell Mirza Wajahat Rashid Baig, Chairman of Department of Kashmir Studies, Punjab University, Professor Dr Khawaja Zahid Aziz, Director of Kashmir Policy Research Institute Dr Raja Sajjad Khan, Professor of Department of Kashmir Studies Dr Sardar Asghar Iqbal and other speakers.

In her address, Ms Imtiaz Naseem said the solution of the Kashmir dispute is very important for the glorious and bright future of Pakistan. She said Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan, which is currently under the control of the enemy.

She said economic development is not possible until Kashmir is liberated. She added that the universities should establish Kashmir chairs and provide students with research -based education on various aspects of the Kashmir dispute and the freedom movement to break the Indian propaganda and narrative.

Professor Dr Kamran, Mirza Wajahat Rashid, Dr Raja Sajjad Khan and other speakers said Kashmir is a dispute among the three major nuclear powers which can be resolved only through a plebiscite.

They said an economically strong Pakistan is the guarantor of Kashmir’s freedom. They further said that the younger generation, students and teachers should be made aware of the defence and geographical importance and status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir for Pakistan.

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